Wednesday 8 January 2020

1696 - Probate Inventory of John Dring of St Peter's in the Arches, Lincoln 4th December 1696

This inventory is intriguing for both the contents and the list of both woods and tools in a late 17th century Lincoln joiner's house and workshop.

"Decr 4th A Dmi 1696

A Trew and perfect inventary of John Dring joyner deceaised in St Peeters in ye arches Parish of his goods & chatle by Us whose names are heare under written Robert Langby Philip Cunstall
and John Glenn

The purs and aparell £30 plate £23200
Bed Chamber
The feather bed pillars and bolsters blanckits and roog500
The bedsted and cornish cortins and vallents cortin rodds cord and map300
The chist of drawers the cheeres the Looking glassees and pictures3140
Cradle and roogs0150
The Clossit
Bedsted and all belonging to varnish fish skin brushees3120
The Seeled Chamber
The wallnuttree chist of drawers and Looking glassees10120
The fenered tables and stands side bord tables and combox3100
The bedsted ye great with bos sees and other things190
The Mens Chamber
The feather bed roog and blanckits all things belongin to it400
The cuttin screwes with ye box to it the chist with the tooles all210
The Litle chamber
The table feet that is in it0112
The garrat
The coffins and bedsteds cheere frames turning frames a still and pot to it500
The 2 sawes stoole feet black wood and molds staing stoole wheele rack Bird cage baskit and bock bocks all comes to244
The parlar
The ovell wenscote tables and the side bord tables and Litle table all830
The chist of drawers ye bedsted one greate with ye froggs and galla boake586
The hall
The tables in ye hall wenscote and elme one with the other comes to4150
The wallnut chist of drawers stooles pewter case a cooller washing tubs and other things970
The Kichin
The pewter 2 douzen of plates 11 pewter dishees 2 tankards 1 flaggin 2 candlesticks3170
The tables and cheeres 3 guns one pair of wooden srewes glew a ston and half all3110
The brass pots and Kettles candsticks and copper can warming pan fryin pan sawspan1180
The spits testing Irons smoothing irons glew pots nest of drawers0136
The driping pan glas botles a paire of folding dores with the hingees110
Three douzen of Locks one douzen paire of duftale hingees 3 douzen of dripls195
Three douzen of scuthings 7 douzen of squaes coffin Locks0105
The back Kichin
The washing tubs ternes scip and other neasesary things for ye Kichin0166
The oake bords old Iron turning fram other odd ends of stufe all2110
The foale and the hay1190
The Sellar
The end of wood and five barells1170
The Yard
The bed post bed rales bed sides and all other peicees with a buring wheele and bords2150
The stufe in the summer house1100
The Wood house
The oake quarters elme bords wallnuttree plancks and other peicees500
The Hay Chamber
The dale bords and five score and ten of quarter dales comes to11112
The oake plank and bord the paire tree plank and bord1106
The Shop in ye Street
The coffins the wenscote bords the bass bords and peicees of bords294
The stools and cheere feet and rales 2 gun stocks with other peicees0170
The molds and patterns squares and leavell frames of tables screwes and boxe0160
The chist and all tooles in it and in the shop hatchits hansawes hammer holdfasts Long plains for plaines smoothing plaines comish plaines belection plaines ogees hollow and rownds plaines plowes growing plaines spring plaine files rasps and burring tooles screwes and screw plates wimble and passer stock and small kits mortis chissell and all sort of chissells and formers and gougees the turning fram a vice the benchees all things in it9167
The old house Where they came from 
The oake plank the Wallnuttree plank the partree plank the grindle ston and other waist wood in all471
The Timber
The oake timber by Saint Sweethings Church the sawpitt The foure trees comes to in all6134
Elme wood
The elme wood att Stamp end 20 peicees comes to in all300
Wittnessed by us whose names are heare 
John Glenn
Robert Langley
Phillip Constable
Robert Dring
Exhibm fuit huius inventarium apud Lincoln septimo die mensis Decembris Anno Dmi millimo Sextennio & nonogesimo sexto P. Executricem pro vero &c Sub &c fi &c (This inventory was presented at Lincoln on the 7th day of December in the 1696th year of our Lord by the Executor as a true and faithful inventory etc.)"

Reference Name INV/192/362 
Name: Dring, John 
Profession: Joiner 
Place: Lincoln, Lincolnshire 
Date: 1695-1696 Repository: Lincolnshire Archives [057]
© Julian Parker 2020

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